On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 09:30:40AM -0600, Kevin Monceaux wrote:
> I've been using TN5250J for a while now.  It works great at work, where
> I'm stuck with using Windoze.  At home on Linux it has one annoying
> feature.  If I switch the focus to another program then back to TN5250J it
> ignores all keyboard input until I click somewhere in the window with the
> mouse.  Naturally unless I click right where the cursor is it moves the
> cursor.  For me reaching for the mouse is a last resort.  I prefer to do
> as much as I can from the keyboard.  The focus problem may be related to
> the window manager I use, dwm.

It appears to have been an issue with the version of dwm I was running,
version 5.1.  I upgraded to dwm version 6.0 and no longer have the focus
problem mentioned above.


Bruceville, TX

What's the definition of a legacy system? One that works!
Errare humanum est, ignoscere caninum.

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