on 7/16/01 5:44 PM, "Christopher Cain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In addition to leaving my inbox blissfully free of such abominations, I
> have a feeling it will also reduce the amount of user questions on the
> dev list. I've noticed that a good percentage of the HTML-formatted
> posts, the vast majority of which almost assuredly from a Win box, are
> also user-level questions ... gee, I wonder what the correlation is ;-)

Those posts will still go through, it is just that only the plaintext
portion of the message will survive.

That is the most shitty thing about HTML email. It actually sends TWO copies
of the body. One marked up with a bunch of crap and then the plain text
version as well. Some clients go as far as encoding the plaintext version in
base64 so that you can't read it even if you wanted to. :-(


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