Hello Everyone,
    Similar to a previous posting, I have some code to make a cookie:

Cookie cook = new Cookie("memberCookie", userid);

and to retreive the cookie:

Cookie cookies[] = request.getCookies();
for(int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
     if (cookies[i].getName().equals("memberCookie")); {
    out.println("Welcome: " + cookies[i].getValue() + "<p>");

to retrieve the cookie. It retrieves the value but with an additional
nuisance. I get the desired cookie, but also what appears to be the session
ID (output below).

Welcome: paul
Welcome: 61D0D4C3E11302B07308C3D960D13840

I am obviously looping through the length of the cookies array, retrieving
the value, but also this unwanted text. What can I do to retrieve just the
value please? It looks like my if condition is being satisified twice?!



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