>> I'll have to try some kind of bootstrap action
>> in my rpm, start compiling TC 4.x with binaries,
>> then goes to JTC and rebuild it against newly
>> built TC 4.x, then install these in place of
>> bundled binaries ?(8
>I think you can compile coyote without 4.x/3.x 
>( it has autodetection and will not compile the parts
>that depend on tomcat ). Then you can compile the rest
>of jtc, as it depends only on coyote.

>Then 3.3/4.x, and recompile coyote to get the 
>tomcat specific part.

Urg ;)

I used the good old bootstrap method.

1) compiled TC4 with provided binary jars

2) compiled util, coyote, http11, jk/jk2 
   against fresh TC4

3) replaced the original binaries with the
   newly generated util, coyote, http11, jk jars.


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