kinman      2002/06/07 13:04:28

  Modified:    jasper2/src/share/org/apache/jasper/compiler
  Removed:     jasper2/src/share/org/apache/jasper/compiler
  - Removed unused classes and methods.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.13      +3 -41     
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.12
  retrieving revision 1.13
  diff -u -r1.12 -r1.13
  ---     5 Jun 2002 22:01:33 -0000       1.12
  +++     7 Jun 2002 20:04:27 -0000       1.13
  @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  - * $Header: 
 1.12 2002/06/05 22:01:33 kinman Exp $
  - * $Revision: 1.12 $
  - * $Date: 2002/06/05 22:01:33 $
  + * $Header: 
 1.13 2002/06/07 20:04:27 kinman Exp $
  + * $Revision: 1.13 $
  + * $Date: 2002/06/07 20:04:27 $
    * ====================================================================
  @@ -340,44 +340,6 @@
       public JspCompilationContext getCompilationContext() {
        return ctxt;
  -    }
  -    /**
  -     * Change the encoding for the reader if specified.
  -     */
  -    public String changeEncodingIfNecessary(JspReader tmpReader)
  -             throws JasperException {
  -     // A lot of code replicated from
  -     // Main aim is to "get-it-to-work".
  -     while (tmpReader.skipUntil("<%@") != null) {
  -         tmpReader.skipSpaces();
  -         // check if it is a page directive.
  -         if (tmpReader.matches("page")) {
  -             tmpReader.advance(4);
  -             tmpReader.skipSpaces();
  -             try {
  -                 Attributes attrs = tmpReader.parseTagAttributes();
  -                 String ct = attrs.getValue("contentType");
  -                 if (ct != null) {
  -                     int loc = ct.indexOf("charset=");
  -                     if (loc > 0) {
  -                         String encoding = ct.substring(loc + 8);
  -                         return encoding;
  -                     }
  -                 }
  -             } catch (ParseException ex) {
  -                 // Ignore the exception here, it will be caught later.
  -                 return null;
  -             }
  -         }
  -     }
  -     return null;
  1.5       +0 -217    
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  ---    17 Apr 2002 01:42:54 -0000      1.4
  +++    7 Jun 2002 20:04:27 -0000       1.5
  @@ -457,223 +457,6 @@
  -     * Parse an attribute/value pair, and store it in provided hash table.
  -     * The attribute/value pair is defined by:
  -     * <pre>
  -     * av := spaces token spaces '=' spaces token spaces
  -     * </pre>
  -     * Where <em>token</em> is defined by <code>parseToken</code> and
  -     * <em>spaces</em> is defined by <code>skipSpaces</code>.
  -     * The name is always considered case insensitive, hence stored in its
  -     * lower case version.
  -     * @param into The Hashtable instance to save the result to.
  -     */
  -    private void parseAttributeValue(AttributesImpl into)
  -             throws JasperException {
  -     // Get the attribute name:
  -     skipSpaces();
  -     String name = parseToken(false);
  -     // Check for an equal sign:
  -     skipSpaces();
  -     if (peekChar() != '=') {
  -         err.jspError(mark(), "jsp.error.attr.novalue", name);
  -     }
  -     char ch = (char) nextChar();
  -     // Get the attribute value:
  -     skipSpaces();
  -     String value = parseToken(true);
  -     skipSpaces();
  -     // Add the binding to the provided hashtable:
  -        //TODO review if the empty namespace works, or if we should get another one
  -        //TODO do we want to use typw to indicate rt expression/scripting vlaue?
  -     into.addAttribute("", name, name, "CDATA", value);
  -     return;
  -    }
  -    /**
  -     * Parse some tag attributes for Beans.
  -     * The stream is assumed to be positioned right after the tag name. The
  -     * syntax recognized is:
  -     * <pre>
  -     * tag-attrs := empty | attr-list ("&gt;" | "--&gt;" | %&gt;)
  -     * attr-list := empty | av spaces attr-list
  -     * empty     := spaces 
  -     * </pre>
  -     * Where <em>av</em> is defined by <code>parseAttributeValue</code>.
  -     * @return A Hashtable mapping String instances (variable names) into
  -     * String instances (variable values).
  -     */
  -    public Attributes parseTagAttributesBean() throws JasperException {
  -     AttributesImpl values = new AttributesImpl();
  -     while (true) {
  -         skipSpaces();
  -         int ch = peekChar();
  -         if (ch == '>') {
  -             // End of the useBean tag.
  -             return values;
  -         } else if (ch == '/') {
  -             Mark mark = mark();
  -             nextChar();
  -             // XMLesque Close tags 
  -             try {
  -                 if (nextChar() == '>')
  -                   return values;
  -             } finally {
  -                 reset(mark);
  -             }
  -         }
  -         if (ch == -1)
  -             break;
  -         // Parse as an attribute=value:
  -         parseAttributeValue(values);
  -     }
  -     // Reached EOF:
  -     err.jspError(mark(), "jsp.error.tag.attr.unterminated");
  -     return null;
  -    }
  -    /**
  -     * Parse some tag attributes.
  -     * The stream is assumed to be positioned right after the tag name. The
  -     * syntax recognized is:
  -     * <pre>
  -     * tag-attrs := empty | attr-list ("&gt;" | "--&gt;" | %&gt;)
  -     * attr-list := empty | av spaces attr-list
  -     * empty     := spaces 
  -     * </pre>
  -     * Where <em>av</em> is defined by <code>parseAttributeValue</code>.
  -     * @return A Hashtable mapping String instances (variable names) into
  -     * String instances (variable values).
  -     */
  -    public Attributes parseTagAttributes() throws JasperException {
  -     AttributesImpl values = new AttributesImpl();
  -     while (true) {
  -         skipSpaces();
  -         int ch = peekChar();
  -         if (ch == '>') {
  -             return values;
  -         }
  -         if (ch == '-') {
  -             Mark mark = mark();
  -             nextChar();
  -             // Close NCSA like attributes "->"
  -             try {
  -                 if (nextChar() == '-' && nextChar() == '>')
  -                     return values;
  -             } finally {
  -                 reset(mark);
  -             }
  -         } else if (ch == '%') {
  -             Mark mark = mark();
  -             nextChar();
  -             // Close variable like attributes "%>"
  -             try {
  -                 if (nextChar() == '>')
  -                     return values;
  -             } finally {
  -                 reset(mark);
  -             }
  -         } else if (ch == '/') {
  -             Mark mark = mark();
  -             nextChar();
  -             // XMLesque Close tags 
  -             try {
  -                 if (nextChar() == '>')
  -                     return values;
  -             } finally {
  -                 reset(mark);
  -             }
  -         }
  -         if (ch == -1)
  -             break;
  -         // Parse as an attribute=value:
  -         parseAttributeValue(values);
  -     }
  -     // Reached EOF:
  -     err.jspError(mark(), "jsp.error.tag.attr.unterminated");
  -     return null;
  -    }
  -    /**
  -     * Parse PARAM tag attributes into the given hashtable.
  -     * Parses the PARAM tag as defined by:
  -     * <pre>
  -     * &lt;PARAM tag-attributes %gt;
  -     * </pre>
  -     * Two special tag attributes are recognized here:
  -     * <ol>
  -     * <li>The <strong>name</strong> attribute,
  -     * <li>The <strong>value</strong> attribute.
  -     * </ol>
  -     * The resulting name, value pair is stored in the provided hash table.
  -     * @param into Storage for parameter values.
  -     */
  -    public void parseParamTag(Hashtable into) throws JasperException {
  -     // Really check for a param tag:
  -     if (matches("param")) {
  -         advance(6);
  -         parseParams (into);
  -     } else {
  -         // False alarm, just skip it
  -     }
  -    }
  -    /**
  -     * Parse jsp:param tag attributes into the given hashtable.
  -     * Parses the jsp:param tag as defined by:
  -     * <pre>
  -     * &lt;jsp:param tag-attributes %gt;
  -     * </pre>
  -     * Two special tag attributes are recognized here:
  -     * <ol>
  -     * <li>The <strong>name</strong> attribute,
  -     * <li>The <strong>value</strong> attribute.
  -     * </ol>
  -     * The resulting name, value pair is stored in the provided hash table.
  -     * @param into Storage for parameter values.
  -     */
  -    public void parsePluginParamTag(Hashtable into) throws JasperException {
  -     // Really check for a param tag:
  -     if (matches("<jsp:param")) {
  -         advance(11);
  -         parseParams (into);
  -     } else {
  -         // False alarm, just skip it
  -     }
  -    }
  -    public void parseParams (Hashtable into) throws JasperException {
  -     Attributes attrs = parseTagAttributes();
  -     // Check attributes (name and value):
  -     String name  = (String) attrs.getValue("name");
  -     String value = (String) attrs.getValue("value");
  -     if (name == null) {
  -         err.jspError(mark(), "jsp.error.param.noname");
  -     }
  -     if (value == null) {
  -         err.jspError(mark(), "jsp.error.param.novalue");
  -     }
  -     // Put that new binding into the params hashatble:
  -     String oldval[] = (String[]) into.get(name);
  -     if (oldval == null) {
  -         String newval[] = new String[1];
  -         newval[0] = value;
  -         into.put(name, newval);
  -     } else {
  -         String newval[] = new String[oldval.length+1];
  -         System.arraycopy(oldval, 0, newval, 0, oldval.length);
  -         newval[oldval.length] = value;
  -         into.put(name, newval);
  -        }
  -    }
  -    /**
        * Parse utils - Is current character a token delimiter ?
        * Delimiters are currently defined to be =, &gt;, &lt;, ", and ' or any
        * any space character as defined by <code>isSpace</code>.
  1.4       +13 -3     
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision 1.4
  diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
  ---       17 Apr 2002 01:42:54 -0000      1.3
  +++       7 Jun 2002 20:04:27 -0000       1.4
  @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  - * $Header: 
 1.3 2002/04/17 01:42:54 kinman Exp $
  - * $Revision: 1.3 $
  - * $Date: 2002/04/17 01:42:54 $
  + * $Header: 
 1.4 2002/06/07 20:04:27 kinman Exp $
  + * $Revision: 1.4 $
  + * $Date: 2002/06/07 20:04:27 $
    * ====================================================================
  @@ -137,6 +137,16 @@
        return attrs;
  +    }
  +    /**
  +     * Parse Attributes for a reader, provided for external use
  +     */
  +    public static Attributes parseAttributes(ParserController pc,
  +                                          JspReader reader)
  +             throws JasperException {
  +     Parser tmpParser = new Parser(pc, reader);
  +     return tmpParser.parseAttributes();
  1.4       +1 -1      
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision 1.4
  diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
  ---     6 May 2002 04:33:15 -0000       1.3
  +++     7 Jun 2002 20:04:27 -0000       1.4
  @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
                if (jspReader.matches("page")) {
  -                 Attributes attrs = jspReader.parseTagAttributes();
  +                 Attributes attrs = Parser.parseAttributes(this, jspReader);
                    String attribute = "pageEncoding";
                    newEncoding = attrs.getValue("pageEncoding");
                    if (newEncoding == null) {

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