> costin      2002/06/14 13:39:12
>   Modified:    jasper2/src/share/org/apache/jasper
>                         JspCompilationContext.java JspEngineContext.java
>   Removed:     jasper2/src/share/org/apache/jasper CommandLineContext.java
>   Log:
>   Time to break Jasper2...

Ok, I'll be tagging a new 4.1.5 milestone right before that patch then ;-)

>   This is the first round of refactoring, eliminating the huge duplication
>   between JspEngineContext and CLContext.
>   JspCompilationContext is now a normal bean, with getters and setters. It
>   can be overriden or used as is, and it includes all the code that used to
>   be in JspEngineContext for mangling.
>   The main purpose of the class is to deal with paths and resources -
>   including mangling, etc.
>   CommandLineContext is no longer needed - we use the same code as in 
>   I moved some of the extra checks to deal with the lack of RuntimeContext
>   when doing CLI compilation.
>   There are few methods remaining in JspEngineContext - dealing with class
>   loading. The goal is to move them back to the base class, and thus
>   enable JspC to do the same depenency checking as JspServlet.
>   ( at the moment JspC can't look for include deps )

Sounds great !


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