On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 04:14, Mladen Turk wrote:
> All that I'm trying is to skip the need to use the Apache machanism for
> the uri-space->file-space translation.

What are the benefits of having Apache if you don't use it for all you
can (in cases where you can)? I view Apache/Tomcat combo as a single web
application server and I want each part to do what they can do best.
>From my own performance benchmarks, I can tell that it takes Tomcat
significantly longer to do anything as compared to Apache. Which should
not be view as a fault of Tomcat at all. Tomcat provides comfort for
application development, but that should be used only when it's really

> If the TC says that _its_ uri-space can be translated to the file-space
> only than map_to_storage can provide the real finfo and serve the static
> context.
> Look how the mod_proxy is implemented. All the mapping is done through
> mod_proxy directives, as in our case through workers2.properties
> I think we shouldn't allow that mod_dir provides the default context
> using dir walking even for a situation where the tc's uri-space can be
> translated to the local file system. The TC should decide in that case
> what to do with a such request. Whether it will serve the index.jsp or
> something else its up to it thought.

I think I understand a bit better where you're coming from. I have
things like this in my jk.conf:

JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /*.vm  ajp13

Which makes only files with *.jsp and *.vm extensions Tomcat's URI
space. So, it is Apache that decides first what should go to Tomcat at
all, and to do that it uses it's own machinery (i.e. DirectoryIndex).
What Tomcat then does with that URI is its own business.

Imagine a load balancing scenario where Apache/Tomcat pairs are
clustered and all files a local. All of the above would still make
perfect sense.

> The directory browsing in either case should go through TC and not
> through mod_autoindex.

Again, I'm not sure why would that be a must for all cases. I don't want
Java engaged if C does can do the job and faster.


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