I'm trying to build mod_webapp for apache 1.3.26.  I grabbed webapp and 
apr from cvs.apache.org.  it seems to build fine:

# ./configure --with-apr=../apr/ --with-apxs
(configure output)
# make
(make output)
Coonfiguration details:

module version:  mod_webapp/1.2.0-dev
httpd version:   Apache/1.3.26 (Unix)
host machine/os: i686-pc-linux-gnu
cration date:    Tue Jul 30 04:58:30 PDT 2002

All done...

# cp apache-1.3/mod_webapp.so /etc/apache/modules
# /usr/sbin/apache
Syntax error on line 63 of /etc/apache/conf/apache.conf:
Cannot load /etc/apache/modules/mod_webapp.so into server: 
/etc/apache/modules/mod_webapp.so: undefined symbol: apr_thread_mutex_lock

I've tried mod_webapp 1.0.1 with similar results.  is this a known 
issue?   is there a 1.1 branch of webapp that I can try?  or another 
version of apr?


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