glenn       2002/08/17 17:55:25

  Modified:    webapps/tomcat-docs jndi-datasource-examples-howto.xml
  Update docs for DBCP 1.0 release, cleanup, and add more info
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.4       +312 -150  
  Index: jndi-datasource-examples-howto.xml
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision 1.4
  diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
  --- jndi-datasource-examples-howto.xml        5 Jul 2002 13:17:46 -0000       1.3
  +++ jndi-datasource-examples-howto.xml        18 Aug 2002 00:55:25 -0000      1.4
  @@ -9,66 +9,162 @@
           <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Les Hughes</author>
           <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">David Haraburda</author>
  -        <title>JNDI Datasource Examples HOW-TO</title>
  +        <author>Glenn Nielsen</author>
  +        <title>JNDI Datasource HOW-TO</title>
  +<section name="Table of Contents">
  +<a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a><br />
  +<a href="#Database Connection Pool (DBCP) Configurations">
  +Database Connection Pool (DBCP) Configurations</a><br />
  +<a href="#Tyrex Connection Pool">Tyrex Connection Pool</a><br />
  +<a href="#Non DBCP Solutions">Non DBCP Solutions</a><br />
  +<a href="#Oracle 8i with OCI client">Oracle 8i with OCI client</a><br />
  +<a href="#Common Problems">Common Problems</a><br />
   <section name="Introduction">
  -<p>JNDI Datasource configuration is covered extensively in the JNDI-Resources-HOWTO 
  -however, feedback from <code>tomcat-user</code> has shown that specifics for 
  -configurations can be rather tricky.</p>
  -<p>Here then are some example configurations that have posted to tomcat-user
  -for popular databases.</p>
  +<p>JNDI Datasource configuration is covered extensively in the
  +JNDI-Resources-HOWTO however, feedback from <code>tomcat-user</code> has
  +shown that specifics for individual configurations can be rather tricky.</p>
  +<p>Here then are some example configurations that have been posted to
  +tomcat-user for popular databases and some general tips for db useage.</p>
  +<p>You should be aware that since these notes are derived from configuration
  +and/or feedback posted to <code>tomcat-user</code> YMMV :-). Please let us
  +know if you have any other tested configurations that you feel may be of use
  +to the wider audience, or if you feel we can improve this section in anyway.</p>
  -<section name="Jakarta DBCP Pooled Configurations">
  -<p>For each of these configurations you will need the following Jakarta Commons 
  -Note that currently, these all employ connection pooling
  -via the Jakarta-commons connection pool. Also, you should be aware that since these 
  -notes are derived from the mysql configuration and/or feedback from 
  -YMMV :-). Please let us know if you have any other tested configurations
  -that you feel may be of use to the wider audience, or if you feel we can 
  -improve this section
  -in anyway.</p>
  +<section name="Database Connection Pool (DBCP) Configurations">
  +<p>DBCP provides support for JDBC 2.0.  On systems using a 1.4 JVM DBCP
  +will support JDBC 3.0. Please let us know if you have used DBCP and its
  +JDBC 3.0 features with a 1.4 JVM.
  +<p>See the <a href="";>
  +DBCP Javadocs</a> BasicDataSource class for a complete list
  +of configuration parameters.
  +<subsection name="Installation">
  +<p>DBCP uses the Jakarta-Commons Database Connection Pool. It relies on
  +number of Jakarta-Commons componenets:
  -<li>DBCP Nightly build &gt; 20020523</li>
  -<li>collections 2.0</li>
  -<li>pool 1.0</li>
  +<li>Jakarta-Commons DBCP 1.0</li>
  +<li>Jakarta-Commons Collections 2.0</li>
  +<li>Jakarta-Commons Pool 1.0</li>
  -<subsection name="Common Requirements">
  -<p>Here are some common gotchas to consider</p>
  +These jar files along with your the jar file for your JDBC driver should
  +be installed in <code>$CATALINA_HOME/common/lib</code>.
  +<strong>NOTE:</strong>Third Party drivers should be in jarfiles, not zipfiles.
  +Tomcat only adds <code>$CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/*.jar</code> to the classpath.
  +Do not install these jarfiles in your <code>/WEB-INF/lib</code>, or
  +<code>$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext</code>, or anywhere else.  You will
  +experience problems if you install them anyplace other than
  +<subsection name="Preventing dB connection pool leaks">
  +A database connection pool creates and manages a pool of connections
  +to a database. Recycling and reusing already existing connections
  +to a dB is more efficient than opening a new connection.
  +There is one problem with connection pooling.  A web application has
  +to explicetely close ResultSet's, Statement's, and Connection's.
  +Failure of a web application to close these resources can result in
  +them never being available again for reuse, a db connection pool "leak".
  +This can eventually result in your web application db connections failing
  +if there are no more available connections.</p>
  +There is a solution to this problem.  The Jakarta-Commons DBCP can be
  +configured to track and recover these abandoned dB connections.  Not
  +only can it recover them, but also generate a stack trace for the code
  +which opened these resources and never closed them.</p>
  +To configure a DBCP DataSource so that abandoned dB connections are
  +removed and recycled add the following <code>paramater</code> to the
  +<code>ResourceParams</code> configuration for your DBCP DataSource
  +            &lt;parameter&gt;
  +              &lt;name&gt;removeAbandoned&lt;/name&gt;
  +              &lt;value&gt;true&lt;/value&gt;
  +            &lt;/parameter&gt;
  +When available db connections run low DBCP will recover and recyle
  +any abandoned dB connections it finds. The default is <code>false</code>.
  +Use the <code>removeAbandonedTimeout</code> parameter to set the number
  +of seconds a dB connection has been idle before it is considered abandoned.
  +            &lt;parameter&gt;
  +              &lt;name&gt;removeAbandonedTimeout&lt;/name&gt;
  +              &lt;value&gt;60&lt;/value&gt;
  +            &lt;/parameter&gt;
  +The default timeout for removing abandoned connections is 300 seconds.
  +The <code>logAbandoned</code> parameter can be set to <code>true</code>
  +if you want DBCP to log a stack trace of the code which abandoned the
  +dB connection resources.
  +            &lt;parameter&gt;
  +              &lt;name&gt;logAbandoned&lt;/name&gt;
  +              &lt;value&gt;true&lt;/value&gt;
  +            &lt;/parameter&gt;
  +The default is <code>false</code>.
  +<subsection name="MySQL DBCP Example">
  +<h3>0. Introduction</h3>
  +<p>Versions of MySQL and the mm.mysql JDBC driver when have been
  +reported to work:
  -<li>Datasource related classes (drivers, pools etc) should be installed in 
  -to enable the server to find your classes when it creates your Datasources</li>
  -<li>Third Party drivers should be in jarfiles, not zipfiles as by default, Tomcat
  -only adds <code>$CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/*.jar</code> to the classpath</li>
  +<li>MySQL 3.23.47, MySQL 3.23.47 using InnoDB, MySQL 4.0.1alpha</li>
  +<li>mm.mysql 2.0.14 (JDBC Driver)</li>
  +Please let us know if you have tested the new MySQL mm.mysql 3.0 driver.
  +<h3>1. MySQL configuration</h3>
  +Ensure that you follow these instructions as variations can cause problems.
  -<subsection name="mySQL using Jakarta Commons Connection Pool">
  -    <h3>0.   Software Manifest</h3>
  -    <p>Starting with the correct sotftware is manifestly important, so here's a 
list of
  -    what we've found to work. Let us know of your success stories with other 
  -    <ul>
  -    <li>Tomcat 4.0.3</li>
  -    <li>mySQL 4.0.1alpha</li>
  -    <li>mm.mysql 2.0.14 (JDBC Driver)</li>
  -    </ul>
  -    <h3>1.  Installation</h3>
  -    <p>Ensure that you follow these instructions as variations can cause 
  -    <ul>
  -    <li>Install mm.mysql driver, DBCP, collections and pool jarfiles into
  -    <code>$CATALINA_HOME/common/lib</code>. You will experience problems if you 
  -    these jarfiles in your webapp's <code>WEB-INF/lib</code> directory, in your 
  -    <code>$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext</code> or anywhere else, so dont.</li>
  -    <li>Create a new test user, a new database and a single test table.
  -    Your mySQL user <b>must</b> have a password assigned. The driver
  -    will fail if you try to connect with an empty password.</li></ul>
  -    <source>
  +<p>Create a new test user, a new database and a single test table.
  +Your MySQL user <strong>must</strong> have a password assigned. The driver
  +will fail if you try to connect with an empty password.
   mysql&gt; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO javauser@localhost 
       -&gt;   IDENTIFIED BY 'javadude' WITH GRANT OPTION;
   mysql&gt; create database javatest;
  @@ -77,10 +173,15 @@
       -&gt;   id int not null auto_increment primary key,
       -&gt;   foo varchar(25), 
       -&gt;   bar int);
  -    </source>
  -    <p>Note: the above user should be removed once testing is complete!</p>
  -    <ul><li>Next insert some test data into the testdata table</li></ul>
  -    <source>
  +<strong>Note:</strong> the above user should be removed once testing is
  +<p>Next insert some test data into the testdata table.
   mysql&gt; insert into testdata values(null, 'hello', 12345);
   Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
  @@ -94,8 +195,109 @@
  -    <ul><li>Now create a simple test.jsp for use later.</li></ul>
  -    <source>
  +<h3>2. server.xml configuration</h3>
  +<p>Configure the JNDI DataSource in Tomcat by adding a declaration for your
  +resource to <code>$CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml</code>.</p>
  +<p>Add this in between the <code>&lt;/Context&gt;</code> tag of the examples
  +context and the <code>&lt;/Host&gt;</code> tag closing the localhost 
  +&lt;Context path="/DBTest" docBase="DBTest"
  +        debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true"&gt;
  +  &lt;Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
  +             prefix="localhost_DBTest_log." suffix=".txt"
  +             timestamp="true"/&gt;
  +  &lt;Resource name="jdbc/TestDB"
  +               auth="Container"
  +               type="javax.sql.DataSource"/&gt;
  +  &lt;ResourceParams name="jdbc/TestDB"&gt;
  +    &lt;parameter&gt;
  +      &lt;name&gt;factory&lt;/name&gt;
  +      &lt;value&gt;org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory&lt;/value&gt;
  +    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  +    &lt;!-- Maximum number of dB connections in pool. Make sure you
  +         configure your mysqld max_connections large enough to handle
  +         all of your db connections. Set to 0 for no limit.
  +         --&gt;
  +    &lt;parameter&gt;
  +      &lt;name&gt;maxActive&lt;/name&gt;
  +      &lt;value&gt;100&lt;/value&gt;
  +    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  +    &lt;!-- Maximum number of idle dB connections to retain in pool.
  +         Set to 0 for no limit.
  +         --&gt;
  +    &lt;parameter&gt;
  +      &lt;name&gt;maxIdle&lt;/name&gt;
  +      &lt;value&gt;30&lt;/value&gt;
  +    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  +    &lt;!-- Maximum time to wait for a dB connection to become available
  +         in ms, in this example 10 seconds. An Exception is thrown if
  +         this timeout is exceeded.  Set to -1 to wait indefinitely.
  +         --&gt;
  +    &lt;parameter&gt;
  +      &lt;name&gt;maxWait&lt;/name&gt;
  +      &lt;value&gt;10000&lt;/value&gt;
  +    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  +    &lt;!-- MySQL dB username and password for dB connections  --&gt;
  +    &lt;parameter&gt;
  +     &lt;name&gt;username&lt;/name&gt;
  +     &lt;value&gt;javauser&lt;/value&gt;
  +    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  +    &lt;parameter&gt;
  +     &lt;name&gt;password&lt;/name&gt;
  +     &lt;value&gt;javadude&lt;/value&gt;
  +    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  +    &lt;!-- Class name for mm.mysql JDBC driver --&gt;
  +    &lt;parameter&gt;
  +       &lt;name&gt;driverClassName&lt;/name&gt;
  +       &lt;value&gt;;/value&gt;
  +    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  +    &lt;!-- The JDBC connection url for connecting to your MySQL dB.
  +         The autoReconnect=true argument to the url makes sure that the
  +         mm.mysql JDBC Driver will automatically reconnect if mysqld closed the
  +         connection.  mysqld by default closes idle connections after 8 hours.
  +         --&gt;
  +    &lt;parameter&gt;
  +      &lt;name&gt;url&lt;/name&gt;
  +    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  +  &lt;/ResourceParams&gt;
  +<h3>3. web.xml configuration</h3>
  +<p>Now create a <code>WEB-INF/web.xml</code> for this test application.
  +&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?&gt;
  +    &lt;!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC
  +    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
  +    ""&gt;
  +  &lt;description&gt;MySQL Test App&lt;/description&gt;
  +  &lt;resource-ref&gt;
  +      &lt;description&gt;DB Connection&lt;/description&gt;
  +      &lt;res-ref-name&gt;jdbc/TestDB&lt;/res-ref-name&gt;
  +      &lt;res-type&gt;javax.sql.DataSource&lt;/res-type&gt;
  +      &lt;res-auth&gt;Container&lt;/res-auth&gt;
  +  &lt;/resource-ref&gt;
  +<h3>4. Test code</h3>
  +<p>Now create a simple test.jsp for use later.
       &lt;title&gt;DB Test&lt;/title&gt;
  @@ -114,9 +316,12 @@
  -    <ul><li>And create a Java class to actually use your new Datasource and 
connection pool. Note: this
  -    code isn't anywhere near production ready - it's only supposed to be used as a 
simple test :-)</li></ul>
  -    <source>
  +<p>And create a Java class to actually use your new Datasource and connection
  +pool. Note: this code isn't anywhere near production ready - it's only
  +supposed to be used as a simple test :-)
   package foo;
   import javax.naming.*;
  @@ -163,90 +368,21 @@
    public int getBar() { return bar;}
  -  <ul><li>Now create a <code>WEB-INF/web.xml</code> for this test 
  -  <source>
  -&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?&gt;
  -    &lt;!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC 
  -    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" 
  -    ""&gt;
  -  &lt;description&gt;mySQL Test App&lt;/description&gt;
  -  &lt;resource-ref&gt;
  -      &lt;description&gt;DB Connection&lt;/description&gt;
  -      &lt;res-ref-name&gt;jdbc/TestDB&lt;/res-ref-name&gt;
  -      &lt;res-type&gt;javax.sql.DataSource&lt;/res-type&gt;
  -      &lt;res-auth&gt;Container&lt;/res-auth&gt;
  -  &lt;/resource-ref&gt;
  -<p>That completes the standard webapp aspects of the test application. Now to 
configure Tomcat.</p>
  -<ul><li>Add a declaration of your resource to 
  -Add this in between the <code>&lt;/Context&gt;</code> tag of the examples context 
and the 
  -<code>&lt;/Host&gt;</code> tag closing the localhost definition. DONT ADD IT TO THE 
  -&lt;Context path="/DBTest" docBase="DBTest"
  -        debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true"&gt;
  -  &lt;Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
  -             prefix="localhost_DBTest_log." suffix=".txt"
  -             timestamp="true"/&gt;
  -  &lt;Resource name="jdbc/TestDB" 
  -               auth="Container" 
  -               type="javax.sql.DataSource"/&gt;
  -  &lt;ResourceParams name="jdbc/TestDB"&gt;
  -    &lt;parameter&gt;
  -      &lt;name&gt;factory&lt;/name&gt;
  -      &lt;value&gt;org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory&lt;/value&gt;
  -    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  -    &lt;parameter&gt;
  -      &lt;name&gt;maxActive&lt;/name&gt;
  -      &lt;value&gt;100&lt;/value&gt;
  -    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  -    &lt;parameter&gt;
  -      &lt;name&gt;maxIdle&lt;/name&gt;
  -      &lt;value&gt;30000&lt;/value&gt;
  -    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  -    &lt;parameter&gt;
  -      &lt;name&gt;maxWait&lt;/name&gt;
  -      &lt;value&gt;100&lt;/value&gt;
  -    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  -    &lt;parameter&gt;
  -     &lt;name&gt;username&lt;/name&gt;
  -     &lt;value&gt;javauser&lt;/value&gt;
  -    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  -    &lt;parameter&gt;
  -     &lt;name&gt;password&lt;/name&gt;
  -     &lt;value&gt;javadude&lt;/value&gt;
  -    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  -    &lt;parameter&gt;
  -       &lt;name&gt;driverClassName&lt;/name&gt;
  -       &lt;value&gt;;/value&gt;
  -    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  -    &lt;parameter&gt;
  -      &lt;name&gt;url&lt;/name&gt;
  -      &lt;value&gt;jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/javatest&lt;/value&gt;
  -    &lt;/parameter&gt;
  -  &lt;/ResourceParams&gt;
  -<ul><li>Finally deploy your web app into <code>$CATALINA_HOME/webapps</code> either 
as a warfile called 
  -<code>DBTest.war</code> or into a sub-directory called <code>DBTest</code></li>
  -<li>Once deployed, point a browser at 
<code>http://localhost:8080/DBTest/test.jsp</code> to view the fruits of your hard 
  +<p>Finally deploy your web app into <code>$CATALINA_HOME/webapps</code> either
  +as a warfile called <code>DBTest.war</code> or into a sub-directory called
  +<p>Once deployed, point a browser at
  +<code>http://localhost:8080/DBTest/test.jsp</code> to view the fruits of
  +your hard work.</p>
  -<p><i>ToDo: Perhaps we could bundle a simple project and Ant buildfile to 
  -<subsection name="Oracle 8i using Jakarta Commons Connection Pool">
  +<subsection name="Oracle 8i">
   <h3>0.    Introduction</h3>
   <p><i>We would appreciate comments on this section as I'm not an Oracle DBA 
  -<p>Oracle requires minimal changes from the mySQL configuration except for the 
usual gotchas :-) Firstly
  +<p>Oracle requires minimal changes from the MySQL configuration except for the 
usual gotchas :-) Firstly
   by default, Tomcat will only use <code>*.jar</code> files installed in 
    therefore <code></code> or <code></code> will need to 
be renamed with a <code>.jar</code> 
   extension. Since jarfiles are zipfiles, there is no need to unzip and jar these 
files - a simple rename will suffice.
  @@ -257,7 +393,7 @@
   file. Here we define a Datasource called myoracle using the thin driver to connect 
as user scott, password tiger
   to the schema called myschema in the sid called mysid. (Note: with the thin driver 
this sid is not the same as the tnsname)</p>
  -<p>Use of the OCI driver should simply involve a changing thin to oci in the URL 
  +<p>Use of the OCI driver should simply involve a changing thin to oci in the URL 
   &lt;Resource name="jdbc/myoracle" auth="Container"
  @@ -297,6 +433,8 @@
   <h3>2.    web.xml configuration</h3>
   <p>You should ensure that you respect the elemeent ordering defined by the DTD when 
   create you applications web.xml file.</p>
  @@ -321,7 +459,7 @@
  -<subsection name="PostgreSQL using Jakarta Commons Connection Pool">
  +<subsection name="PostgreSQL">
   <h3>0.    Introduction</h3>
   <p>PostgreSQL is configured in a similar manner to Oracle. Again, highlighting the 
   These notes are untested as yet and we would appreciate feedback.</p>
  @@ -377,18 +515,8 @@
  -<section name="Non DBCP Solutions">
  -These solutions either utilise a single connection to the database (not recommended 
for anything other
  -than testing!) or some other pooling technology.
   <section name="Tyrex Connection Pool">
   <subsection name="Introduction">
  @@ -516,10 +644,14 @@
  +<section name="Non DBCP Solutions">
  +These solutions either utilise a single connection to the database (not recommended 
for anything other
  +than testing!) or some other pooling technology.
   <section name="Oracle 8i with OCI client">
   <subsection name="Introduction">
  @@ -545,7 +677,8 @@
   using <code>System.loadLibrary("ocijdbc8");</code>
  -You should next create a simple test servlet or jsp that has these <b>critical 
  +You should next create a simple test servlet or jsp that has these
  +<strong>critical lines</strong>:
  @@ -588,6 +721,35 @@
  +<section name="Common Problems">
  +<p>Here are some common problems encountered with a web application which
  +uses a database and tips for how to solve them.</p>
  +<subsection name="Intermittent dB Connection Failures">
  +Tomcat runs within a JVM.  The JVM periodically performs garbage collection
  +(GC) to remove java objects which are no longer being used.  When the JVM
  +performs GC execution of code within Tomcat freezes. If the maximum time
  +configured for establishment of a dB connection is less than the amount
  +of time garbage collection took you can get a db conneciton failure.
  +<p>To collect data on how long garbage collection is taking add the
  +<code>-verbose:gc</code> argument to your <code>CATALINA_OPTS</code>
  +environment variable when starting Tomcat.  When verbose gc is enabled
  +your <code>$CATALINA_BASE/logs/catalina.out</code> log file will include
  +data for every garbage collection including how long it took.</p>
  +<p>When your JVM is tuned correctly 99% of the time a GC will take less
  +than one second.  The remainder will only take a few seconds.  Rarely,
  +if ever should a GC take more than 10 seconds.</p>
  +<p>Make sure that the db connection timeout is set to 10-15 seconds.
  +For the DBCP you set this using the parameter <code>maxWait</code>.</p>

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