I wondered about that.  But, it seemed that CoyoteRequest used  the same
method throughout the code - for instance on getParameter(String name),
it already does a call to
coyoteRequest.getParameters().getParameter(name), so I figured I should
do the same.   the variable "coyoteRequest" here is a o.a.coyote.Request
 This same method is also used with getProtocol, get and set ServerName,
ServerPort, and with getAttributes.  

How then do you propose changing this?

Other methods in CoyoteRequest keep such things local, but that is
difficult with the parameters, since they would presumably exist in the
original passed-in Request object.  

Oh, I see your other email.  Yeah, you are seeing the same thing as me.
 There was a bit of a "code smell" rewriting that private method in
Parameters.java, but it appeared to be the only choice with the way the
current code is written.

Jeff Tulley  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Novell, Inc., The Leading Provider of Net Business Solutions

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/4/03 12:42:41 PM >>>
Jeff Tulley wrote:
> One more try, all files as .txt  What is the best way to send a .zip
> file?
> Actually, I've attached the file that was in the zip as
> AddParametersTest.java  It should go in
> j-t-c/util/test/org/apache/tomcat/util/http   Nothing from /test
> currently exists in the util dir.
> It looks like my previous submissions on this list also did not show
> up.  I should have checked more carefully.
> I've also attached my patch for the minor type in SoTask.java
> Sorry for the mess.

Ok, well, I get a chance to review the patch. I don't like it, as it 
forces some hacks needed for FORM auth (which, FYI, I've always 
considered to be a bad hack) down the path to the cleaner Coyote
I think the patch will need some rework to avoid polluting the API (ie,

the "dirty" code needs to stay in the "facade" - aka, CoyoteRequest).


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