andya       2003/11/18 05:04:56

  Modified:    jk/xdocs/jk2 installhowto.xml
  Added Domino installation section
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.5       +110 -2    jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/xdocs/jk2/installhowto.xml
  Index: installhowto.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/xdocs/jk2/installhowto.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  --- installhowto.xml  7 Oct 2002 07:48:42 -0000       1.4
  +++ installhowto.xml  18 Nov 2003 13:04:56 -0000      1.5
  @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
   <title>Installation of jk2 in the Web Server</title>
   <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Jean-Frederic Clere</author>
  +<author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Andy Armstrng</author>
     <section name="Installation">
  @@ -113,6 +114,113 @@
           Try <a 
 for example and 
           execute some of the JSP examples. 
  -    </subsection>            
  +    </subsection>
  +    <subsection name="Lotus Domino">
  +     <p><i>At the time of writing these instruction are applicable to Windows only.
  +     As soon as there are versions of the Domino redirector available for other
  +     platforms these instructions will be updated.</i></p>
  +     <p>If necessary build dsapi_redirector2.dll as per the instructions in the
  +     jk/native2/server/dsapi directory. Copy the DLL into the Domino program
  +     directory (this is the directory, which may be called something like
  +     C:\Lotus\Domino, that contains a file called nlnotes.exe). Shortly we will
  +     tell Domino where to find this file, but before we do that we need to make
  +     some registry entries. The simplest way is to edit the supplied file
  +     dsapi_redirector2.reg, which initially will look like this</p>
  +     <screen>
  +         <read>Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00</read>
  +         <read></read>
  +         <read>[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta 
Dsapi Redirector\2.0]</read>
  +         <read>"serverRoot"="D:\\Works\\Tomcat\\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27"</read>
  +         <read>"workersFile"="conf\\"</read>
  +         <read>"tomcatStart"="bin\\startup.bat"</read>
  +         <read>"tomcatStop"="bin\\shutdown.bat"</read>
  +         <read>"tomcatTimeout"="30000"</read>
  +     </screen>
  +     <p>Change serverRoot to reflect the location of your Tomcat installation. The
  +     other filename parameters can either be relative to serverRoot or absolute
  +     paths. Once edited double click on dsapi_redirector2.reg to enter it into the
  +     registry.</p>
  +     <p><b>Starting Tomcat:</b> The last three registry entries above provide
  +     commands that the redirector DLL will use to start and stop Tomcat when the
  +     Domino http server starts and stops respectively. If you don't require this
  +     behaviour these two lines can be omitted (or deleted if you've already placed
  +     them in the registry).</p>
  +     <p><b>The Workers file:</b> If necessary take the sample
  +     file from jakarta- tomcat- connectors\jk\conf and place it in the location
  +     specified in the registry settings above (typically the conf directory of your
  +     Tomcat installation). Edit the file to suit your Tomcat setup.</p>
  +     <p><b>Configuring Domino:</b> Finally we need to configure Domino to use the
  +     DSAPI extension DLL. For those who are unfamiliar with Domino server
  +     configuration most of a server's configurable behavior is dictated by a
  +     document called the "server document" in a database called the "Public Name
  +     and Address Book" or "NAB" for short (N.B. Lotus have renamed the NAB to
  +     "Domino Directory" from Domino 5 onwards). Each Domino server will have a NAB
  +     (called names.nsf) and each NAB will have a number of server documents
  +     including one for the current server. If you have not previously configured a
  +     Domino server you may need to refer to the supplied documentation, or you may
  +     need to pass this document to your tame Domino administrator.</p>
  +     <p>Assuming you know your way around a Domino server document what we're going
  +     to do is actually quite simple. Open the server document for this server,
  +     place it in Edit mode, then locate the DSAPI section and the 'DSAPI filter
  +     file names' field on the Internet Protocols tab, HTTP sub- tab. Add
  +     "dsapi_redirector2.dll" to the DSAPI field, then save and close the
  +     document.</p>
  +     <p><b>Restart Domino:</b> In order to get these settings to take effect and
  +     make sure that you haven't disrupted anything else you should now restart the
  +     Domino server. If the server is running as a service and you have changed any
  +     relevant system variables (JAVA_HOME, TOMCAT_HOME, CLASSPATH) since the last
  +     time you restarted the computer you should do a complete restart now because
  +     updates to system variables are not seen by services until after a reboot. If
  +     all goes well you should see something like this on the server console when
  +     the web server starts up.</p>
  +     <screen>
  +         <read>14/11/2003 13:02:18   Attempting to start Tomcat: 
  +         <read>Using CATALINA_BASE:   D:\Works\Tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27</read>
  +         <read>Using CATALINA_HOME:   D:\Works\Tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27</read>
  +         <read>Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: 
  +         <read>Using JAVA_HOME:       C:\JBuilder8\jdk1.4</read>
  +         <read>14/11/2003 13:02:18   Apache Tomcat Interceptor 
(Jakarta/DSAPI/2.0.0) loaded</read>
  +         <read>14/11/2003 13:02:19   HTTP Web Server started</read>
  +     </screen>
  +     <p>At about the same time Tomcat should open in a new window (assuming you
  +     enabled the autostart option in the registry settings). You should now be able
  +     to visit a URL that is handled by Tomcat. Something like</p>
  +     <p><code>http://name-of-server/servlet/SnoopServlet</code></p>
  +     <p>may be available, depending on how Tomcat is configured. If that all works
  +     you're done.</p>
  +     <p><b>Mailing Lists:</b> There are two mailing lists dedicated to the Domino
  +     Tomcat redirector:</p>
  +     <p><a 
  +     <p><b>domino-tomcat-l</b> is a general discussion list for issues with the
  +     redirector and also wider Tomcat/Domino integration issues such as calling the
  +     Domino Java API from a Tomcat servlet. This list is fairly low volume so
  +     please subscribe if you're actively using the redirector. If you have an issue
  +     with the redirector please post it to the list where it will be seen not only
  +     by the author but by other users who may be able to help with any problems.</p>
  +     <p><a 
  +     <p><b>domino-tomcat-announce-l</b> is for announcements about the Domino Tomcat
  +     redirector. Mainly this list will be used for new releases but serious
  +     bugs will also be posted to it. This list will be very low volume; not more 
  +     a few posts per month. For this reason if you'd like to keep track of new 
redirector versions
  +     please subscribe to this list.</p>
  +    </subsection>

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