Hi to all, I have two questions. We have Tomcat as server for a struts web

- We need do stats for that web application, stats like  what pages user
enter, who user enter more to the application, performance stats ... I have
seen that one choice is do a manual filter, other choice use awstats.  I
would appreciate information about that of someone that have experiencia on
stats, and he can help me to choose the best choice on time and effort.

- The second question is about performance, here we have tomcat and when
most user enter to the application the server don't reply very well. I have
read that is better have APACHE as web server and TOMCAT as server
container, is that true?  would I improve the performance? or the solution
is customize tomcat better?.


I recommend using Apache 2 with mod_jk 1.2 to serve static content in front of Tomcat. You can then configure mod_jk to do tomcat request logging which includes things like request latency in ms. There are perl scripts which come with the mod_jk 1.2 source distribution which can be used to analyze the mod_jk log. With Apache in front you can also use tools like analog to generate web statistics from the apache logs.

For general Tomcat peformance issues there was a session at ApacheCon on this.



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