to put things in better context. Most of my work experience has been building complex 
applications with web front ends. In my case, most of the content is dynamic and the 
static html is minimal. Therefore, my experience with regard to performance is biased 
by the type of applications I work on. In 90% of the cases where I saw a performance 
issue, it was the result of how data was being fetched and cached.
when I worked on a wireless platform, 90% of the site produced pages using multiple 
data sources. Some were third party and some local. In some cases, the data was 
scraped from a HTML site and presented to a variety of devices using html, hdml, wml 
and xhtml. I don't remember the exact performance numbers, but the query times were 
more than 75% of the overall request processing time (not counting sending the 
response). Obviously in these types of systems, trying to optimize 5% for static 
strings would result in no benefit in performance or scalability.
On the otherhand, if the jsp pages are mostly static, then you it probably would be 
worth it. I tend to leave this type of optimizations as the last item, after I've 
exhausted all other options.

Roozbeh Zabihollahi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I Think there is misUnderstandings here, 

first i didnt said that tomcat works "ONLY" for 'some
development/demo site'. but I mean "WHY Tomcat must
not use for production mode?" , as Apache, That it the
best known Web Server in the world, in performance,
security and many other major factors. I ask this
question or recommend this option cause of I Love
Tomcat, and I work with it several years.

second, I think, 5% performance upgrade is very good
for a version update, and i think if we use static
byte arrays instead of normal strings, in normal
JSPs(because they have very much static strings)
performace will be more increased than 5%.

anyway, JSPs is very small part of Web Site System.
Application Server is very bigger part of it. then
optimizing servers always increasing performance
better and more significant. but I know, WebApp
architecture and Design is very very important for

Thanx for your Reply.

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