On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 01:47:59PM +0100, Remy Maucherat wrote:
> Tim Funk wrote:
> > Does this pretty much says that jk2 is now not recommended? (At least 
> > until it gets more cleanup) So I can update the FAQ.
> No, this means there's one connector on the Java side, so the number was 
> useless.
> We could rename that to AJP connector, BTW. I almost did it, but left JK 
> as the name in the end.
> I believe it would be better to use the protocol name (AJP) as the 
> connector name, so that it is not tied to any native code or another 
> subproject's name. I can make the change.

Please do the rename.  I think there is considerable confusion in the 
community about the status of mod_jk[2], and this name overlap doesn't 
help.  If you spend any time in #tomcat, you'll notice that all the 
questions are either 1) I'm doing something really dumb and hope 
everyone here will write my app for me and 2) problems with mod_jk/jk2.  
And from the mod_jk2 pages, it looks like mod_jk2 is the preferred code.  
It's clear from lurking tomcat-dev that it isn't.

(BTW, lurk #tomcat sometime.  It's "educating".)

  Some people have a way with words, while others... erm... thingy.

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