I don't think small market shares or lack of clients is a reason for exclude
a server feature. They are separate. If the WebDAV app added some negative
impact to the tomcat server, then take it out, but if not, then lets add it
back in.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Julian Reschke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [OT] Re: WebDAV and TC5

Jess Holle wrote:

> How does the user use the filesystem driver?

net use ...

> The end-user certainly cannot achieve anything meaningful via web
> folders.  I did a lot of testing in this regard.

Well, I disagree. Lots of my customers use webfolders heavily.

> Now if there is a better level of usability/functionality achievable
> with Windows without significant additional client side programming, I'd
> love to hear more about it -- i.e. I'd love to discover I'm simply
> ignorant here and find a silver bullet for this issue!

Of course there isn't any silver bullet. But all clients I've seen are
still better than non-programmatic access or FTP.

> OpenOffice is very small in terms of market share, though I certainly
> wish it all the best!  Adobe is also fairly small in terms of market

Oh well.

Microsoft Office is not small in market share, and works very well with

> What is really necessary is an across-the-board file-system and desktop
> GUI level integration such that all applications on the OS get some
> level of functionality with WebDAV (including open and save as a
> minimum!) and those that are "DAV-aware" may get more.  App-by-app DAV
> awareness is *much* less interesting as it is guaranteed to be
> inconsistent between apps and as a server-vendor one can't depend on it
> being present in the client apps.  I've not seen any means to achieve
> this across-the-board functionality with Windows (and again, *please*
> prove me ignorant here).

Well, use one of the many filesystem drivers (Xythos, Windows XP, ...).


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