Remy Maucherat wrote:

Jess Holle wrote:

Though I also really like Java 5's [yep, another neat numbering change from Sun :-)] built-MBeans for JVM monitoring, I'd *really* like to see a JSR 160 solution in Tomcat that works in Java 1.4.x and Java 1.5 (aka 5).

Is this the plan/hope? At a high level it does not look too nasty to do this....

Unfortunately, I'm against useless code in this branch. JSR 160 being brand new, you're going to need new software pretty much everywhere, but of course upgrading the JDK is not an option. Given the new branch changes the API rather significantly, I think it's not going to be a release people will be upgrading to.

If it still doesn't make sense, then you can probably manage to cut & paste a few lines of code from the JMX docs, right ? ;) sin

I'll play with this as I have time, but I'll be doing the same sort of thing with our own app first.

As I see it (and I could be offbase, of course, as I've not had time to code this), one just needs a pluggable SPI sort of interface responsible for:

  1. A singleton get-or-create MBeanServer method
         * Default to platform MBeanServer in 1.5, but allow use of
           mx4j or the like
  2. An export MBeanServer for remote ops method
         * Details, e.g. protocols, ports / port ranges, etc, to be
           controlled by XML tags, of course

Am I over-simplifying this?

Jess Holle

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