"Remy Maucherat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >billbarker    2004/08/03 23:48:07
> >
> >  Modified:    catalina/src/share/org/apache/catalina/startup
> >                        HostConfig.java mbeans-descriptors.xml
> >  Log:
> >  Adding methods for JMX managed Contexts.
> >
> >  -- Adding method to get the configBase via JMX
> >  -- Adding methods to add and remove apps with minimal dependancy
checks.  This is for use with JMX apps (like the admin) that control the
Context themselves.
> >
> >
> I don't quite see how this is any different from check(String name).

Well, for 'add', there isn't necessarily any context.xml file, and there
isn't necessarily any relationship between the Context path and docBase.
For 'remove', the remove is unconditional and doesn't require touching
resources that may have never existed.

One alternative would be to have the admin webapp alway create context.xml
for the "Create Context" action, and delete it for the "Remove Context"
action.  However, this creates way more problems then it will ever solve (at
least with the config as it is now).

> Rémy

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