To be honest, I don't like where this is going. I think access to native
functionality for tomcat is great - and starting with functionality provided by apr is ok. But there is a lot outside apr, and if this becomes 'apr - java interface', it won't be easy to add.

So maybe it would be better to rename it to org.apache.tomcat.jni or something, keep the apr stuff as 'tomcat interface with apr' ( with a comment that when/if apr does have an official binding - we can switch), and keep it open for the other non-apr stuff that may be interesting.


William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
At 01:56 PM 1/13/2005, Mladen Turk wrote:

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

org.apache.apr... ???
If this is private, and you've suggested it should be, don't you mean
org.apache.jakarta.apr... ?

He he :)

I didn't said it should be private to J-T-C nor Jakarta.
But the fact is that we don't have OO languages infrastructure
for APR glue code. Seems to me that we'll need to go through
incubation to create self standing apr-java project, or
something like apr-oo/java.

Self standing? If apr is borked (and the oo-dev'ers prove it)
do you want another layer in the middle? This probably should
be closely paired to apr to ensure communications and direction.
Having them both under the same pmc ensures that the apr project
doesn't go off on some weird tangent that interferes with oo implementations (not that I expect this would happen.)

If you think we can make something like that in a reasonable
amount of time, count me in.

Happy to encourage it and I'll present it (with myself as a
list moderator) to the apr project, and invite our modperl
friends along with John Sterling and others who have created
C++ wrappers.

In other case I can rename the package to whatever name desired
if it breaks some policy or something like.

This sort of surprises me coming from an ASF java developer.
I seriously doubt this team would find it amusing to discover
org.apache.catalina namespaces populating an xml project's code.

-1 on appropriating another ASF project's namespace (the same -1 I should have offered to forking proxy.) +/-0 if you want to build
on org.apache.jk.apr namespace.


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