This should really go to the list.

I have cc'd the list on this reply.

Comments nested below.



On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 03:24:36PM +0100, Finocchiaro, Michael (TSG PLM BusDev 
EMEA) wrote:
>    Glenn,
>    I saw your name as the author of some Tomcat perl scripts in the jk
>    source bundle. I am not sure of the correct forum to ask this question
>    so I am asking you directly. Very simply, what "%" options are
> and looking for to create reports? I
>    have tried lots of different stuff but have not been able to get these
>    two tools working - and they seem to be the only way to investigate
>    how Tomcat is handling load. Any hints you can give me?
>    The two error messages I get are (and this is independent of which jk
>    source bundle I try - same result with 1.2.4, 1.2.6 and 1.2.8) - and
>    this is having installed GD and ActiveState Perl so that I should have
>    all the necessary pieces:
>    $gd not defined at line 221.

This means the graph plot failed. I have committed a bug fix
so that better error reporting happens when this occurs.

>    Day '' out of range 1..31 at line 93

This is a bug and has been fixed in CVS.

Both of these bug fixes can be obtained from the HEAD of the
jakarta-tomcat-connectors CVS repository.

>    Thanks,
>    Fino
>    Michael J Finocchiaro
>    Senior Consultant
>    http://[1]
>    +33 1 57 62 83 18 : Phone
>    +33 6 72 99 16 08 : Mobile
>    +33 1 42 46 13 54 : Fax
> References
>    Visible links
>    1.
>    2. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    Hidden links:
>    3.

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Glenn Nielsen             [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder    |
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