At 04:43 AM 2/19/2005, Remy Maucherat wrote:
>William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>>It definately seems like j-t-c should be a first candidate
>>for svn conversion.  The other jakarta-tomcat repositories
>>are considerabily more complex.
>>But it would be good to have line endings straightened out
>I find svn quite confusing to work with. Especially, the possibility of 
>browsing a revision tree seems unusable (due to the fact that revisions are 
>global, tortoise cannot make a graph in less than 4 hours :( ), and it's an 
>important tool for me.
>Unfortunately, this means I'll have to veto a move to svn for the time being, 
>until I figure out how to use it.

Sadly, I agree with you - my biggest hiccup is the mess that
moving from cvs->svn creates if you want to see annotated source
files - knowing a line changed in is hugely important
to me.


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