Hi Peter, what's up with the cluster code?
I will have some time to load test and debug any problems you might have, also, do you have problems on the synced-pooled setting, or on all connectors?


Peter Rossbach wrote:


[X] Stable -- good build (Normal Tomcat)

[X] unstable and buggy cluster code, Argg!

The normal Tomcat features are very stable on my tests. But my cluster code refactorings has
drop the clustering. I have test the cluster under load this week and find some very bad bugs :-(
- Complete cluster hang sometimes
- In some situation the async mode can't dequeue

I have build some quick fixes and can build a patch for some 5.5.9 cluster classes (Monday evening).

Vote for a server classes fix pack or package the catalina-cluster.jar again.


Yoav Shapira schrieb:

Tomcat v5.5.9 has been out for more than a week now, so hopefully we have
had time to test/use it. We're still waiting for the TCK results, but let's
hear your opinion:

[ ] Stable -- good build
[ ] Beta -- minor bad stuff: what is it?
[ ] Alpha -- something serious is wrong: what is it?

The vote will run for about 72 hours as usual.

Yoav Shapira
System Design and Management Fellow
MIT Sloan School of Management / School of Engineering
Cambridge, MA USA

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