
I've attached the script that I place in my /etc/rc.d/init.d directory for
use with starting/stopping/restarting tomcat.

>  For RedHat, you'll already have
> an entry in /etc/rc.d/init.d for apache (I think it's
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd?).

This is correct.

On my installations, there are "start" links in rc.{2-5} and "kill" links in
rc.{0,1,6} to the httpd script mentioned above.  These are named S85httpd
(start) and K15httpd (kill).  On my machine, I set up S84tomcat and
K16tomcat in each of those respective directories (so that Tomcat would be
started before apache, and killed after apache when entering a lower
run-level or restarting)...

BTW, to create a symbolic link, use the "ln -s [target] [link-name]"




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