Intergate wrote:
> Alex,
> Were you successful with this auto loading solution?
> It is something that I have been searching for...
> I seem to remember a message a while back from someone
> on the list that indicated that the
> >>          <load-on-startup>
> >>               1
> >>           </load-on-startup>
> wasn't implemented as of Tomcat 3.2.1 and would not
> be available until 4.0.

That is not correct -- this capability works in Tomcat 3.2.1.  The
confusion is probably due to the issue pointed out in my next response.

> Also, David wrote this morning that Tomcat 3.2.1 does
> not read the web.xml file and that it shouldn't even be
> included in the distribution anymore??

Tomcat 3.2.1 does not read the web.xml file in $TOMCAT_HOME/conf.  It
*definitely* reads the web.xml file in your application's WEB-INF
directory -- that is where you should be doing your customizations.

> P.

Craig McClanahan

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