Hello and happy new year !

We have a lot of developers who needs to develop java servlets and we
have chosen Tomcat 3.2.1 & Apache 1.3.14 as servers. (because they are
open source and a lot of stuff are developped for this (Cocoon,
[for the moment i've used only Tomcat 3.1]

But we have a problem : when a developer want to add a servlet to the
server he must restart the Tomcat server, because else the dependencies
of the servlet aren't seen by the server. 

For example if i put a hello.class file in the classes folder of the
webapp and i compile it there is no problem to reach the servlet after
without restarting the server (just type
http://myhost/mywebapp/servlet?hello or the fully qualified class name).
But if this servlet call other servlet Tomcat give us an error

So the questions are :
- Must i install a tomcat server for each developer (who can play with
it, add the servlet, restarting it without disturbing the others
developers) ? I don't want this because this is a lot of work for
maintain one server per developer...
- Is there a solution to reload a webapp without stopping the entire
server ? (it will be the most useful for me)

- and finally if this feature isn't present in Tomcat 3 should be
present in Catalina ? (or other servlet container)

PS : I haven't find a solution in the mailing list archives.

Thanks per advance for your answers,


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