Hmm .. looks ok to me..

On to theory # 2 :-)

Is the <%= request.getParameter("cmd") %> perhaps throwing an
exception (due to null being returned)? It might be that exception-
catching code (that tomcat auto-inserts when generating .jsp -> .java)
is trying to do a redirect to an error page...I've had problems with this

Why not try putting
 String cmd = "oops";
  cmd = request.getParameter("cmd");
catch(Throwable t)

at the top of your page, then using
<%= cmd %> instead of <%= request.getParameter("cmd") %> ??

This should let you know if theory #2 flies or dies :-)



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Goss [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 7:22 PM
> Subject:      Re: IllegalStateException???
> The servlet that gets posted to performs some business logic via JavaBeans
> and then
> forwards to the display page (in this case, the confirm.jsp) it never gets
> the output
> stream and it doesn't include any other jsp's.
> <sample code>
>                     //save the changes and then send to confirm page
>                     Customer tmpcust =
> (Customer)req.getSession(false).getAttribute("tmpcust");
>                     try{
>                         logger.log("removing customer:"+tmpcust.getId(),
> logger.INFO);
>                         this.clist.removeCustomer(tmpcust.getId());
>                         logger.log("customer removed", logger.INFO);
>                     }catch(Exception E){
>                         logger.log(E, "error removing customer",
> logger.ERROR);
>                         req.setAttribute("msg", "error removing customer,
> check logs");
>                         this.send(req, resp,
> this.props.getProperty("error"),
> "editcustomer");
>                         return;
>                     }
>                     this.send(req, resp,
> this.props.getProperty("confirm"),
> "editcustomer");
> //snip
> public void send(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp, String
> page, String
> component) throws IOException, ServletException
>     {
>         RequestDispatcher rd =
> req.getRequestDispatcher("/"+component+"/"+page);
>         rd.forward(req, resp);
>     }
> </sample code>
> ??? any clue?
> Matt
> Kitching Simon wrote:
> > According to the sun servlet specs, you are **not allowed** to
> > do a forward operation after having called a method to get the
> > output stream, exactly as the message states.
> >
> > Are you sure you have never obtained an output stream
> > before attempting to forward to "confirm.jsp" ??
> >
> > If you have something like
> >   posted data --> servlet1
> >   servlet1 does "include" for "handle-data.jsp"
> >   servlet1 does "forward" to "confirm.jsp"
> > then if handle-data.jsp obtains an output stream, this would
> > exactly explain the problem.
> >
> > I suspect that the first thing *any* jsp page does is grab the
> > output stream, have a look at the generated jsp code for
> > "handle-data.jsp" or whatever your equivalent is.
> >
> > If your situation is different from what I have guessed, then
> > please include more information in your next post - the page
> > you included here looks ok, so the problem is probably in the
> > upstream processing you didn't give any info about!
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Simon
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Matt Goss [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 4:23 PM
> > > Subject:      IllegalStateException???
> > >
> > > Hi everyone,
> > > I just ported an applicaiton onto tomcat 3.2 that ran fine on JRUN
> 3.0.
> > > The application consists of servlets that accept form posts from
> JSP's,
> > > they process the data and then forward to other jsp pages. When I
> > > forward to a specific page, the page displays fine, but I'm getting an
> > > error message on my server screen :
> > > <error message>
> > > 2001-01-04 09:53:05 - Ctx( /rollout ):IllegalStateException in: R(
> > > /rollout +/editcomponent/confirm.jsp + null) Cannot forward as
> > > OutputStream or Writer has already been obtained
> > > </error message>
> > > the page is a simple confirmation page and looks like this:
> > > <jsp page>
> > > <html>
> > > <head>
> > > <DEFANGED_meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
> charset=iso-8859-1">
> > >
> > > </head>
> > > <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
> > > <h1>The <%=request.getParameter("cmd")%> operation was successful!
> > > :)</h1>
> > > <a href="doeditcustomer.html">Return to the Customer list</a><br>
> > > <a href="index.jsp">Return to navigation page</a>
> > > </body>
> > > </html>
> > > </jsp page>
> > >
> > > does anyone have any idea what could be causing this???
> > > Matt Goss << File: Card for Matt Goss >>  << File: ATT17765.txt >>
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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