The amount of memory space allocated to Windows to use for environment space
is painfully small.  You need to have something like the following line in
your config.sys file:

shell=c:\ /e:1024 /p

The number, 1024, is the amount of memory allocated to environment space in
bytes.  So we have 1K in this example.  Ramp it up to whatever is required.
Needs a restart though.

This is not a problem on Windows NT or 2K.  Might still be a problem with ME

- Andy.

"What? I don't speak your crazy moon-language."

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew.Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 3:29 PM
Subject: Problems starting Tomcat on Win 95

Hi, I'm new to Tomcat so I hope this isn't a stupid question but having
installed Tomcat on NT with out problems. I thought I'd install it on Win
95, I did the exact same installation but when I run Tomcat I get errors.
I have set the Classpath, Tomcat_Home and Java_home in the Autoexec.bat
When I run the Startup.bat I get the following errors
Out of Environment Space
Using Classpath :
Starting Tomcat in a new window
Bad command or file name
I hope someone has some Idea, maybe it's got to do with other configuration
on my PC.

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