
When many webapps use the same pakages, like utility classes, it would
be interressant to share them to have only one copy of the class files.

With Tomcat 3.1, if you add a list of paths in the shell variable
"appClassPath", tomcat can find classes outside the directory
WEB-INF/classes .

eg.  set appClassPath=%myPaths%;%appJars%;%sysJars%

With tomcat 4.0, I try to give itomcat my list of  paths which are
already in the the shell variable "CLASSPATH" , but it does'nt work.

My "little" modify in catalina.bat :
set CP=%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\bootstrap.jar;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar

I read and I understand (?) that the class
loader try to find the classes in a list of "repositories".

How to add "repository" in the standardClassLoader to allow it to find
classes in an other directory than WEB-INF/classes ?

Is it possible to specify paths in the node "loader" ? 

I have not found  the documentation of the node "loader" of the
configuration file "server.xml". Someone try to write it ?


Olivier Gattaz.

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