That's what I've been doing -- I don't use mod_jk.conf-auto at all. 
The point is that I have to maintain another file by hand that I 
shouldn't have to, a file almost exactly identical to mod_jk.conf-auto 
other than specifying the ajp13 connector.  Is there a way to get 
mod_jk.conf-auto to use ajp13 by default, otherwise, what's the purpose 
of the conf-auto file in the first place?

-- Rob

--On Sunday, February 11, 2001 04:34:03 PM -0500 Rick Roberts 

> Make the change in mod_jk.conf
> #JkMount /*.jsp ajp12
> #JkMount /servlet/* ajp12
> #JkMount /examples/* ajp12
> JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
> JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
> JkMount /examples/* ajp13
> Rick
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       _ _ _ _           _    _ _ _ _ _
      /\_\_\_\_\        /\_\ /\_\_\_\_\_\
     /\/_/_/_/_/       /\/_/ \/_/_/_/_/_/  QUIDQUID LATINE DICTUM SIT,
    /\/_/__\/_/ __    /\/_/    /\/_/          PROFUNDUM VIDITUR
   /\/_/_/_/_/ /\_\  /\/_/    /\/_/
  /\/_/ \/_/  /\/_/_/\/_/    /\/_/         (Whatever is said in Latin
  \/_/  \/_/  \/_/_/_/_/     \/_/              appears profound)

  Rob Tanner
  McMinnville, Oregon

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