
jvmroute names don't equate to the names of the workers in your properties
file.  basically all jvmroute does is tack that name on the end of the
session id so the connector knows what tomcat to send the session to in a
loadbalanced env.  It's "sticky" that way.

I'm not sure about the clustering but I had always thought that jvmroutes
had to be unique.  That way it wouldn't mistake one server for the other.


On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Angus Mezick wrote:

> Does the name of the JvmRoute in server.xml have to equal the name of
> the host in worker2.properties when linking apache and tomcat to get
> proper session affinity?
> Can I have 4 tomcats, each paired together with session clustering and
> identical jvmroutes and then have apache use session affinity to send
> requests correctly to each cluster of 2 tomcats?
> Sorry for the crosspost.  Didn't even get a nibble on users yesterday so
> I am assuming this is deep withing the app.
> Angus Mezick
> GuideStar - Philanthropic Research Inc.
> 427 Scotland St.
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