
I am getting this error from Tomcat when I submit a form with cookies
turned off:

HTTP Status 404 - /gen;jsessionid=B5604E6D2313D02F2DFB59E7D1B63324
type Status report
message /gen;jsessionid=B5604E6D2313D02F2DFB59E7D1B63324
description The requested resource
(/gen;jsessionid=B5604E6D2313D02F2DFB59E7D1B63324) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/4.1.24

With cookies turned on, everything works fine.

Here is what is *really* strange:

This is occurring every time in a page that contains this form:
    <form name="groupList" action="<%= response.encodeURL("/gen/") %>"
But, on another page, this form declaration causes no problems:
    <form name=signin method="post" action="<%=
response.encodeURL("/gen") %>">

I tried to replicate the problem on a test machine and it did not 
have the same problem.

I can repeat it as many times as I would like on the groupList form, but
it does not occur anywhere else.

Has anyone see this?


Neil Aggarwal, JAMM Consulting, (972)612-6056, www.JAMMConsulting.com
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