At 22:56 26/08/03, you wrote:
I have installed the J2SE and J2EE SDKs to c:\java.
I installed Tomcat to c:\Tomcat.
I have X_HOME variables for both installations in my computers Environment Variables.

The problem is that the SDKs also install a JRE to c:\program files\java\.

When I run Tomcat in a console window, everything runs fine. Tomcat uses JAVA_HOME which has javac.

When Tomcat runs as a service, I assume it is using the JRE in Program Files because JSPs that have not
been compiled cannot be! I receive an error and the logs point to the fact that Tomcat cannot create
the javac process.

Is there a way to set the Tomcat service to use my JAVA_HOME installation instead of the Program Files JRE? Are there any other solutions to this problem? I don't want to have to precompile every JSP page before I put code onto my production box, nor do I want to run my production server in a console window started by hand.

Thanks in advance,
Mark Turansky

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I've never experienced the problem (i'm not running NT) but it seems to me that you need to unset your path and set your JAVA_HOME to your java SDK dir. This could be done in tomcat.conf (maybe its .bat on an NT) or otherwise in catalina.bat

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