Hi all,
I've got a question regarding authentication. I wish to do
authentication without authorisation. So this means everybody
should be free to access my web-resource but I wish to know who it is.
Therefore the accessing user must login.
As probably everybody knows
here I can configure that by means of a security-constraint/login-config in my 
web.xml file.
Here is a little example:
                        <web-resource-name>Protect the Helloworld 

Please remark that no auth-constraint is defined, because anybody should
have free access to this web-resource. So what I need is authentication without 
The problem is that only if I define some auth-constraint in the security-constraint 
authenticate method of the Authenticator will be invoked. I think that the J2EE 
makes no restriction that authentication can only be used in combination with 
Am I wrong? Or is this a Tomcat bug?

Cheers Karin

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