Firstly, it looks like you should wipe you keystore and start again.  To use
a VS cert with Tomcat, the two options I know are:
1) Follow the instructions at
2) Using openssl or otherwise, convert your cert+key to a pkcs12 file, and
use that as your keystore (remember to set 'keystoreType="pkcs12"' on the
Factory in server.xml).

"Dave Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm having a problem getting an SSL certificate from Verisign working
> correctly.  I'm going to include everything I can think of that MIGHT be a
> problem.  Unfortunately, there are a couple things I can't quite remember
> for certain.  Here's the situation:
> 1. I generated the initial key using an alias other than "tomcat" (we'll
> call it "company")
> 2. I generated the CSR and sent it to verisign.  I still have this file.
> 3. Verisign changed the company name during the verification process (from
> an acronym to the full spelling of the name)
> 4. I now have the certificate that they sent back after the validation
> process.
> 5. One thing I can't account for is why when I see this:
> $ keytool -list
> Keystore type: jks
> Keystore provider: SUN
> Your keystore contains 4 entries: (...others removed...)
> company, Fri Aug 22 08:47:04 MDT 2003, trustedCertEntry,
> Certificate fingerprint (MD5):
> 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 (the numbers aren't really
> 0's)
> ...I think I must have self-signed or something (I was doing a couple of
> these things and don't recall exactly), but I'm surprised to see
> "trustedCertEntry" here.
> The problem I'm having is this:
> $ keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias company -file public.crt
> Enter keystore password: xxx
> keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Certificate not imported, alias
> <company> already exists
> (but I'm thinking it should be REPLACING this entry, so the fact that it
> exists shouldn't be a problem???)
> So, I have several questions:
> 1. Am I hosed completely because I didn't use "tomcat" as the alias?
> 2. How does the private key get stored exactly?  I assume that if I delete
> the current entry for the "company" alias, I'll be losing the private key,
> right?
> 3. Can someone provide steps I should take to get this working given what
> have said above.
> Thanks so much in advance.  Sorry to be so long-winded.
> -Dave
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