The JDBC spec states that when a connection is closed, all dependent assets should also be closed. So if you are using a pool, make sure your pool is compliant since the connection is never closed until the pool closes it.

When garbage collection runs is a whole different story. But its just good coding to close your ResultSet, Statements as soon as your done with them.


Nikola Milutinovic wrote:

But depending on the DB, it can cause problems from the DB with too many
open ResultSets... I had an issue with performance testing where everything
but ResultSets were being closed and the Oracle DB started throwing errors
after about 500 queries.  Better safe than sorry.

Well, from what I know, in general (not Oracle specific). If you open a connection within some scope (Servlet, JSP, any other class), then create a statement and finally a result set, shouldn't deleting the most upper scope cause all these "lower levels" be closed and garbage collected?

With Servlets and JSP, of course, you have no control whatsoever as to when they will be put out of service. But suppose you are tidy and do a close on the connection - shouldn't that clean-up the underlying Statement(s) and ResultSet(s)? Even with connection pooling, this should work.


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