The easiest way to understand this is to think about how a browser sees a 
relative link.  Browsers don't know that they're dealing with a servlet app. 
A sendRedirect simply puts the following header in the response:
"Location:  url" 

Let's take the following url:

If your page "index.jsp" resides in the context root "cal" and you want to 
send a redirect to "page2.jsp"  you would use "page2.jsp".  This tells the 
browser to look in the current directory for a file name "page2.jsp". 

If you enter "/page2.jsp"  The browser will go to what IT considers to be the 
webroot;  the first directory after the base url ""; 
and look for "page2.jsp". 

If you're several directories below the context root and need to redirect to a 
higher directory, you're better off prepending one "../" to the url for each 
directory that you need to climb than to try to list the context root and 
work your way down (" /cal/page.jsp").  This way, you won't need to fish 
through your code and change the urls if the application name "cal" changes. 
But that's just my opinion.


On Friday 05 September 2003 02:07 pm, Charlie Toohey wrote:
> The Servlet API doc for the sendRedirect method states:
> "....If the location is relative with a leading '/' the container
> interprets it as relative to the servlet container root....."
> I've looked thru the Servlet Spec and can not quite figure out what they
> mean by servlet container root ? Is this a typo and supposed to be servlet
> context root ? Or is there really such a thing as the servlet container
> root, and if so, what is it ?
> e.g. if my context path is "/cal" and I want to redirect to
> "/cal/form/index.jsp", what would I use in sendRedirect ?
> (I know I could do a forward, but want to redirect in my situation)
> Thanks,
> Charlie
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