I've just checked in a patch to have the TrustStore algorithm to be the same
as the 'algorithm' (Tomcat 5 has a more general fix).  It should appear in
4.1.28.  If you need it sooner, you can download from the CVS.

"McClure, Timothy J(IndSys, GE Interlogix)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
I am trying to use client SSL sockets connections running underneath Tomcat
on AIX with IBM JVM 1.4.  I set the 'algorithm' key word in the server.xml
file and this seems to work well for key store (server socket) connections.
However I cannot get the trust store side to work appropriately, I always
get an I/O exception on SunX509 algorithm.  I notice in the code it appears
that the "SunX509" is hard coded to the TrustStoreManager.  How do I get it
to use IbmX509?  I set the trsutManagerType to IbmX509 through -D options
but this also did not work.


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