I have set up tomcat and apache... bind them with a JK2 connector both on
port 80. I have 2 domains running on the machine. I made the virtual hosts
work in apache with editting httpd.conf  The apache docs are located on the
following location:

/export/home/webroot/site1     (www.site1.com)
/export/home/webroot/site2     (www.site2.com)

I would like to access jsp files on both the website's like
www.site1.com/index.jsp and www.site2.com/index.jsp and store the jsp files
at the same location as the html docs. This means locate them in
/export/home/webroot/site1 and /export/home/webroot/site2

How do I make tomcat understeand that it must be running jsp files on this
locations. Anybody knows how to do this? You have to add some things to
server.xml i know that buth what and do  have to edit httpd.conf in some way
to make this work? A working example of a server.xml/httpd.conf file is
welcome and also any tip hint and clue :-)

Thanks already,

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