
I have a problem for "integrate" tomcat 3.2.1 with apache 1.3.17 under
solaris 2.6.
The only module of apache who is build as DSO is mod_jk (or mod_jserv, i
test with the 2).

Briefly we have 2 website on the same Apache, managed with virtual host
and a lot of rewrite rules.
It seems that tomcat don't use the urls rewrited by apache.

All documents are served from /htdocs/files who is the document Root for
and the docbase of Tomcat root context (path="", and "/" don't work

I load the mod_jk (or mod_jserv, it don't work also) after mod_rewrite
in the main configuration of apache 
(see below if you have the time)

The rewrite rules are declared - for the most important part - and
RewriteEngine is set to On before 
the handler for mod_jk (AddHandler jakarta-servlet .xml or .jsp) is
declared in the main configuration.

The mount point of mod_jk (or mod_jserv it's the same result) are
declared in the virtual host configuration (but i have also tested to
declare JkMount /*.xml or jsp in the main configuration), the virtual
hosts have RewriteOptions inherit

So if i want acceed the page /chouba/chups.jsp who is really located in
the rewrite rule is correctly applied in apache (rewrite log say
"go-ahead with /htdocs/files/team/sophia/chups.jsp [OK]")
but i have an error in Tomcat who search the file :

2001-02-15 07:08:06 -        ServletPath: /chouba/chups.jsp
2001-02-15 07:08:06 -           PathInfo: null
2001-02-15 07:08:06 -           RealPath: /htdocs/files/chouba/chups.jsp
2001-02-15 07:08:06 -         RequestURI: /chouba/chups.jsp    
I have tried whith rewrite rules like [PT],[R] and i haven't find a

I have read a lot of mail archive about this but it seems that it is a
lot of questions but a few answers.
Jan Labanowski had already answer me, but i haven't find a solution on
this problem in his excellent pages about tomcat installation.

I have read a little in the source of tomcat (and read
http://w4.metronet.com/~wjm/tomcat/2000/Mar/msg00513.html) but i don't
know if the proposed patch have been applied on Tomcat 3.2.

I think that tomcat must be really integrated with Apache for serving a
lot of documents and that the communication
between the 2 servers must be improved (but i hope that somebody can
tell me that i just don't know deeply the soft 
and give me the information who lacks me)

So, best regards,

Ludovic Maître

----- ANNEXES :

The way that i load the modules : (if i have good understand the module
are activated bottom to top, 
but it's the same effect i place mod_jserv or jk after rewrite)

#LoadModule jserv_module       libexec/mod_jserv.so
LoadModule jk_module       libexec/mod_jk.so

AddModule mod_imap.c
AddModule mod_actions.c
#AddModule mod_jserv.c
AddModule mod_jk.c
AddModule mod_alias.c
AddModule mod_rewrite.c
AddModule mod_access.c

The rewrite rule who isn't pass to tomcat :
RewriteRule ^/chouba(/.*)?$           /htdocs/files/team/sophia/chouba$1
(it seems to don't work with [PT,L] (why ?) and not with [R] (because
/htdocs/files/team/sophia/ isn't accessible via http only as files)

So, thanks per advance for any answer (sorry if this topic seems to be
off-topic but in fact he is cross-topic)

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