I am trying to setup a webapp and am having a little difficulty. My application starts on /webapps/myapp/index.jsp with 2 text fields(1 text, 1 password), this is a login type page, when the submit button is clicked on the jsp my class which is packaged into com.mycompany.myapp.Login comes back with a 404 status code everytime. I have created inside of the WEB-INF directory a classes/com/mycompany/myapp/ directory structure and placed both my java source and class files into this dir. As far as I can see everything looks right even my error points to the right dir structure however I continue to get requested resource not available errors, I think my web.xml is the issue however I am very new to tomcat and unable to find anything in the docs or mail list archives that help me. I am currently running Apache 2.0.46 with Tomcat 4.1.18 on Linux 2.4.20 kernel. Any help here would be great tia.

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