At 23:04 12.10.2003 -0700, you wrote:
> Which changes has to be made in the Tomcat 5 server.xml to use the new
> Connector-Version 1.2.5? By default, Tomcat 5 is configured for JK2, or
No changes are required in server.xml for any Tomcat versions 3.3.x-5.0.x.
Just like with Tomcat 4.1.x, the Tomcat 5 JK2 Connector is fully compatible
with mod_jk (assuming that you are using channelSocket, since channelJNI and
channelUnix require mod_jk2).

Yes, I'm using channelSocket, but not mod_jk, but isapi_redirect.dll, because I Connect the Tomcat to IIS 5.


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