At 07:59 AM 10/30/2003, you wrote:
Upon my users first request to my JSP-pages I retrive their user name and
loads their authorization level etc. from a database. This information is
stored in a bean given session scope. Thing is that after 30 minutes
(default) the session times out and the required information is lost,
thereby rendering my users unable to make request to the database.

If the session times out after 30 minutes, then it means that your user has not submitted a request with the appropriate JSESSIONID in 30 minutes -- that's what causes the session to timeout. If your users are still hitting your site and the session times out, then there's something else wrong with what you're doing.

How do I test for this and redirect them to the original authorization
page? (Ruling out the option of setting session time out to say 8

There are a hundred ways to do this, but it's really an architectural decision for you. If you're not using one of the frameworks and everything is JSP, one way is to include a login_check.jsp page at the top of every JSP page. This page checks to ensure that the user is logged in. You could accomplish the same thing with a Filter or custom tag ... really depends on what you're comfortable with and what fits best into your system.


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