
I'm new to JSP, so this is confusing me. I am trying to use the
com.oreilly.servlet.multipart package to try and upload files for a test page.

However, I'm facing the following error:
/tmp/foo/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27/temp/cd/SMC/insertProduct_jsp.java:8: package
com.oreilly.servlet does not exist
import com.oreilly.servlet.*;
/tmp/foo/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27/temp/cd/SMC/insertProduct_jsp.java:9: package
com.oreilly.servlet.multipart does not exist
import com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.*;
2 errors

The packages are contained in a jar file called cos.jar , which I've put in
../cd/SMC/WEB-INF  (and /cd/SMC/WEB-INF/lib )
(the file that uses this - insertProduct.jsp - is located in ..../cd/SMC )

Can anyone throw any pointers as to why this is happeneing? I set my classpath
to point to the jar file, but it doesnt help (frankly, I don't see why it
would, since the webserver is running of a totally different daemon, and I'm
not even the owner of that :(  -- but I'm just trying to get this to compile!)


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