
The linker is looking for libapr-0.so.  I don't know
what you used in your ./configure run.

On some installations the link between the current
version of libapr and libapr-0.so (and libapr-0.so.0)
does not get made when Apache is installed.  This
appears to be mostly a problem with the RedHat RPM

You may find that to be true also with libaprutil.

To solve those problems, do the following.

1. cd to the Apache lib directory
2. soft link the current libs to the base names
3. cd back to the source directory
4. rerun configure (to make sure)
5. run make

For example:

(1) cd /home/apache/lib
(2) ln -s libapr-0.so.0.9.4 libapr-0.so
    ln -s libapr-0.so.0.9.4 libapr-0.so.0
    ln -s libaprutil-so.0.9.4 libaprutil-so
    ln -s libaprutil-so.0.9.4 libaprutil-so.0
(3) cd /src/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native2
(4) ./configure
(5) make

Note that you will not need jkjni.so unless you
attempt to run either UNIX sockets or in-process
communication.  IP sockets work fine without the

The last time I tried UNIX sockets or in-process
communication on RedHat Linux 9 I was unsuccessful. 
There are some linking problems that I think have more
to do with the way Redhat lays out their system via
RPMs than the code.

I recently checked out the latest versions of the
connectors, apr, and apr-util from cvs.apache.org.  I
may try UNIX sockets and in-process communication
again.  However, since this is a development machine,
I  am fine with the IP socket connection.


just my two cents . . . .

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