On 12/16/2003 12:00 AM Kent Boogaart wrote:
When I do that, I get a context at "/" and a context at "eSM". In
$TOMCAT_HOME/work/Standalone/localhost/ tomcat makes both "_" and "eSM".

I use exactly the same context config as you, except some I don't declare
since the defaults are the same. The only one I don't recognise is
'displayName' - can't see it in the docs. What is it?

As I originally said, putting it in ROOT is the only way I have found to
avoid this. But I guess it's not important.



Do you have autoDeploy and deployXml set to false in your <Host> element? If
so then I'm not sure why you are getting two contexts . . .


I have autoDeploy set to false, but I am using context configuration files so I need deployXML set to true. The docs say:

"Set to false if you want to disable deploying applications using a Context XML config file. This also disables the ability to install web application directories or ".war" files with the manager app which are not located in the Host config base directory ($CATALINA_HOME/conf/[engine_name]/[host_name])."

I'll experiment: if I put all my context info in the server.xml, then maybe it will work.


struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.16 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 Debian

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