Hi (yes that's me again),

I have more details for those that would be willing to help. I have started to use IBM's JDK that has the nice memory dump feature set up so that whenever OutOfMemory occurs the heap is dumped. So my heap is here
Probably no need to download the 12MB - I have tried to process it and interesting result is this:

I have used the k function of HeapRoots205 (here is its description):
"This executes by first running 'p 0x1234'. This leaves every object reachable by 0x1234 owned by it. Then any objects which are owned by 0x1234 but reachable from outside of this set are removed. This leaves 0x1234 owning exactly those objects which are only reachable thru' it."

on following object:

> k 0x10102818

Calculating keep-alive size of 0x10102818 'org/apache/coyote/RequestGroupInfo' ...

Requesting 17 mb of heapspace to process heapdump ...

Finding pure Roots
...................................................................... done.
DFS from 0x10102818
.............................................................          done.
Total reach (inclusive) 1,245,481 objects. Total-size is 299,128,896.

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