Grab the latest Tomcat-5.0.18 and use the CATALINA_HOME/bin/service.bat.  You
might need to add JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar to the ImagePath in order to get JSP
compiling, but otherwise it will work for you.  Just type:

service install


Quoting Tobias Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi
>  I'm having a tough time here trying to figure out why the Windows
> Service for Tomcat wont start. This is what I have done:
> 1) I've downloaded Tomcat 5.0.16, and unzipped the files into a
> directory, (E:\tomcat_test\).
> 2) I have also installed the service according to the link:
> 0service
> <
> 20service>
> I.e. with the following arguments
> E:\tomcat_test\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16>.\bin\tomcat //IS//Tomcat5
> --DisplayName "Tomcat 5.0.12" --Description "Tomcat 5.0.12 JDK 1.4
>"; --ImagePath  E:\tomcat_test\jakarta-tomcat
> -5.0.16\bin\bootstrap.jar" --StartupClass
> org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap;main;start --ShutdownClass
> org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap;main;stop  --Java
> C:\j2sdk1.4.2\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll --StdOutputFile e:\log.txt
> --StdErrorFile e:\err.txt --WorkingPath
> e:\tomcat_test\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16\
> 3) Launched Windows Services tool, and started it from there, but then
> it seems to start and then it exists
> 4) As an alternative I started it from the command line by using the
> command:
>             E:\tomcat_test\jakarta-tomcat -5.0.16>.\bin\tomcatw
> //GT//Tomcat5
> Now this works, cause the process comes up and I am able to browse the
> http://localhost:8080 <http://localhost:8080/>  page with no trouble
> 5) And then I started it by using the command:
>             e:\temp>\tomcat_test\jakarta-tomcat -5.0.16\bin\tomcatw
> //GT//Tomcat5
> Now this does NOT work
> I've been using both regmon and filemon to try and figure out what is
> happening.
> And this is my conclusion without a solution :-(
> So when I am running it from the command line, from the working
> directory it works fine. From the tools filemon and regmon I could see
> important differences between when it worked and when it did NOT work.
> The differences seems to be that the service is very dependent on the
> actual working directory, cause when it did not work it failed to find
> the entries below, whereas when it worked fine it used the proper path
> to these,
> C:\Windows\system32\conf\
> C:\Windows\system32\common\classes
> C:\Windows\system32\common\endorsed
> C:\Windows\system32\common\lib
> E:\tomcat_test\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16\
> E:\tomcat_test\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16\common\classes
> E:\tomcat_test\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16\common\endorsed
> E:\tomcat_test\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16\common\lib
> Any ideas, what is going wrong here?
> Regards
>  Tobias
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