I am and have been for about a week trying to get Apache2 to start Tomcat5
in-process on Windows XP.  I have finally gotten Apache2 to process thru
the workers2.properties file without errors.  I can start Tomcat5 manually
without errors. I have mod_jk2, what appears to be at least, loading correctly.
no more errors anyway...   

The one piece I believe that is missing is a <connector> entry in server.xml
for Tomcat for the jni connector.  Tomcat3 had a "jni_connect.dll" as well
as a class  "org.apache.tomcat.service.JNIEndpointConnector".
I cannot find these for Tomcat5.  Any suggestions?  I have tried using older
versions of components before wihtour success.  

Thanks for all your help...

_Phil Adams
Fort Worth, Texas

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