That is the fourth mail with the same question.
2 times it has been answered.

Didn't you like the answer, didn't you receive it ?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Edson Alves Pereira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 8:06 PM
> To: 'Tomcat-User List'
> Subject: doubts about attributes
>       Hello dudes, i´m trying to set some attributes to a 
> request in my
> servlet, that´s pretty easy as you know, but after i must use 
> redirect to a
> JSP page and when i try to recall those attributes created before they
> doesn´t appear in JSP´s request object. Even thought i set a request´s
> attribute and use redirect i cannot get it again, can i?
>       Regards,
>       Edson

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