
Is the following code correct?

<jsp:element name="fo:table-column">
  <jsp:attribute name="column-width">
    if (bgColors[i] != null) {
  <jsp:attribute name="background-color">

tomcat can run, but the generated java code is not correct:
  out = _jspx_page_context.pushBody();
  String _jspx_temp0 = ((javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent)out).getString();
  out = _jspx_page_context.popBody();
  out.write("<" + "fo:table-column" + " column-width=\"" + _jspx_temp0 + "\"" + ">");

   if (bgColors[i] != null) {


  out.write("</" + "fo:table-column" + ">");

the second <jsp:attribute/> between <jsp:scriptlet/> was lost.
can I dynamically generate attribute? and in JSP 5.14, jsp:element
only accept jsp:attribute & jsp:body as child element.

I use tomcat 5.0.19


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