You may want to use response.sendRedirect() at step 3.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Vogue [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 8:33 AM
Subject: [NEWBIE] Setting up a JDBC Realm and using RequestDispatcher


I'm novice with Tomcat. I'm currently developing an application with access
control based on forms (<auth-method>FORM</auth-method> in the web.xml) and
on declarative security with a JDBC realm.

I use the MVC model with servlets redirecting to jsp pages with (forward
method of a RequestDispatcher). I understand that this security model does
not apply to pages accessed by means of a RequestDispatcher. Then I
wouldlike to know if there is a way to implement the following workflow:

1/ The web user opens a registration form (outside the secure area) to
2/ A servlet respond to the request on form submission, create the user data
in the database (giving access to the user)
3/ The servlet redirects directly the user to a page within the "secure
area" and since this page is secured, the user is automatically asked for
login info (via the login form declared in the <login-config> part of the

For the moment, what I get is: #1 and #2 are done correctly, then the
RequestDispatcher send me to the secured page without asking for login.

Thanks in advance!!

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